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6 Tips of Bodor for “Don’t Look back at 2020!”

Industry News

"Sometimes you backtrack because you think what you dropped or lost is worth going back to, but then again you cannot keep going backwards, so you get back on the forward track to finish your journey."

———— Norma Powell

2020 has come to an end. A challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, and losses we’d never forget they happened in the year, troubled a lot in our daily life —  many of them timed just when we thought things couldn't get any worse. The year now is finally over, but worries of exacerbation remain carved on our eyes, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic still continues. Shall we look back and say we are unlucky?

No! Let’s refresh our spirits and move forward.

You know we’ve been through downs, we’ve been through ups and we’ve been overcoming constant challenges since the beginning of 2020. Tough though the marketing situation is, Bodor keeps on innovating and growing. As an enterprise focusing on laser cutting equipment, Bodor contributes extraordinary strength to the recovery and rise of laser cutting industry by adapting to situations quickly.

To energize your memory of 2020, let’s have a look at 6 tips of Bodor.

1. Be Altruistic

Not forgetting our original intention, we are always able to achieve our mission: create value and profits for more enterprises.

At the beginning of the year, the epidemic situation in Hubei was severe and critical. In order to help prevent and control the epidemic, Bodor donated 1.2 million yuan in cash to Hubei province on January 31. Moreover, on February 12, 2021 employees from all over the world spontaneously donated 202,100 yuan of charity money to Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital. We believe in passing love with love and influencing life with life.

2. Invest in the Future

In June, we invested 10 million yuan to start SAP project for fully digital construction. Thanks to the project in collaboration to SAP, the international well-known ERP system provider, Bodor has now built the digital management system which improves our core competence.

3. Focus on Focus

In July, in collaboration with China Industrial Design Association and Shandong Industrial Design & Research Institute, we established the Industrial Design Center for Laser Processing Equipment, an agency of the Institute of National Intelligent Industrial Manufacturing Design & Research.

4. Pay Homage to Classic Design

In May, we released the new strategic products of mortise and tenon series. The series is not only the homage to the quintessence of Chinese culture but also helps thousands of enterprises improve efficiency, quality and industrial upgrading.

5. Better Work

In April, we won the Enterprise Innovation Development Award.

6. Pursue More Achievements

In March, the output and delivery volume both exceeded 300 units.

In August, we won the silver award of the Provincial Governor's Cup, an industrial design competition; the sales volume of 10 kW+ laser cutting machine exceeded 200 units and that of 20 kW+ exceeded 20 units.

In September, we launched the world’s first 40000W laser cutting machine and signed a 30000W one first in the world, leading the industry and the market to develop higher and faster.

In October, the first overseas 20000W equipment was signed successfully.

In November, the world's first batch of two 30000W products were delivered, leading terminal applications of laser cutting machine to a new height.

In December, 590 orders were completed in a single month, which gave the Bodor`s 100 day sprint a successful end.

In 2020, it was precisely because of these insistence and beliefs that we turned crises into opportunities. In 2021, we have reason to believe that Bodor will continue to get burnishing both home and abroad.

What goes down must come up. In tough times, laser lights up our future and dream guides our way forward. So when you look back at your 2020 and feel worried, please hold your beliefs and dare to dream.


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